Dita Ndërkombëtare e Rikujtimit të Holokaustit – nga AACL


Dear Friend,

Each year, on January 27, the United Nations observes International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In 2014, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations, under the direction of Ambassador Ferit Hoxha and with the support of B’nai B’rith International, held the first program on the unique role that Albanians played in rescuing European Jewry during World War II. Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi’s speech explained why and how Albanians in Albania and Kosova saved at least 3,000 Jews from the Nazis and how the Albanian rescue of European Jewry came to be revealed in 1990, when Congressmen Tom Lantos and Joe DioGuardi visited Communist Albania as the first US officials to enter the country in fifty years.

At this year’s UN observation, on January 31, 2019, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations, under the direction of Ambassador Besiana Kadare, and with the support of the World Jewish Congress, held a briefing on the Albanian rescue of Jews during the Holocaust that excluded the important role that Albanians in Kosova played in saving hundreds of Jews. At the end of the event, former Congressman Joe DioGuardi disclosed the unique role that Albanians in Kosova played in rescuing Jews during the Holocaust.
Please click here to listen to Shirley’s speech at the UN in 2014 and click here to listen to Joe’s comments at the UN in 2019.


Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi
Balkan Affairs Adviser

Te nderuar,

Cdo vit, me 27 Janar, Kombet e Bashkuara e shenojne Diten Nderkombetare te Rikujtimit te Holokaustit. Me 2014, Misioni Permanent I Republikes se Shqiperise ne OKB, nen drejtimin e Ambasadori Ferit Hoha si dhe me perkrahjen e B’nai B’rith International, kane mbajtur prezantimin e pare ne lidhje me rolin unik qe shqiptaret kane luajtur ne shpetimin e hebrejeve evropiane gjate Luftes se Dyte Boterore. Ju lutem klikoni ketu per te degjuar fjalimin e znj. Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi ne lidhje me menyren se si dhe pse shqiptaret e Shqiperise dhe ata te Kosoves kishin shpetuar te pakten 3000 hebreje nga Nazistet dhe si shpetimi shqiptar I hebrejeve evropiane u zbulua me 1990, kur Kongresistet Tom Lantosh dhe Joe DioGuardi vizituan Shqiperine komuniste si zyrtaret e pare te SHBA-ve pas mese pesedhjet viteve.

Ne shenimin e kesaj dite sivjet, me 31 Janar 2019, Misioni Permanent I Republikes se Shqiperise ne OKB, nen drejtimin e Ambasadores Besiana Kadare, si dhe me perkrahjen e Kongresit Boteror Hebreik, mbajten nje brifing mbi shpetimin e hebrejeve gjate Holokaustit, por qe nuk perfshiu rolin e shqiptareve te Kosoves ne kete proces.

Ju lutem klikoni ketu per te degjuar ish-Kongresistin Joe DioGuardi I cili mori fjalen ne fund te kesaj ngjarje per t’ia rikujtuar te gjitheve rolin unik qe shqiptaret e Kosoves kishin luajtur ne shpetimin e hebrejeve gjate Holokaustit.


Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi
Keshilltare per Ceshtje te Ballkanit

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