Te nderuar miq dhe perkrahes,
Data 12 qershor 2021, shenoi pervjetorin e 22-te te Dites se Clirimit te Kosoves. Ne baze te kerkeses se Anetarit Ekzekutiv te Bordit tone dhe ish-Deputetit te Kosoves, Dr. Faton Bislimi, miku i kahmotshem i Liges Qytetare Senatori Charles Schumer autorizoi valvitjen e flamurit te SHBA-ve mbi Capitol ne nderim te Agim Ramadanit, komandat i shquar te UCK-se dhe strategu kryesor i thyerjes se kufirit te militarizuar rende ne mes Kosoves dhe Shqiperise ne Betejen e Koshares.
Flamuri ne fjale se bashkue me certifikaten zyrtare kongresionale iu dorezuar nipit te Ramadanit, Muhamet Ajrullahu, i cili me kenaqesi e pranoi kete nder ne emer te familjes se Agim Ramadanit ne Gjilan me 4 korrik 2021.
Perderisa Beogradi dhe aleatet e tij po vazhdojne propaganden e tyre neper bote e vecanerisht ne Shtetet e Bashkuara per te paraqitur si ‘organizate kriminale’ luftetaret e lirise se Kosoves–UCK-ne, Liga Qytetare Shqiptaro-Amerikane ndihet krenare qe ka nderuar nje luftetar shembull te UCK-se si Agim Ramadani dhe qe po njofton Anetaret e Kongresit Amerikan me te verteten ne lidhje me luften e Kosoves.
Gjithe te mirat,
Joe DioGuardi – Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi
Presidenti – Këshilltare për Çështjet e Ballkanit
Agim Ramadani, symbol of Albanian freedom
Dear Friends and supporters,
On June 12, 2021, Kosova marked the 22nd anniversary of its liberation day. At the request of our Executive Board Member and former Member of Parliament of Kosova, Dr. Faton Bislimi, the Civic League’s longtime friend and colleague Senator Charles Schumer authorized the flying of a US flag over the Capitol in honor of Agim Ramadani, a well-known KLA commander and the mastermind behind the dismantling of the heavily militarized Kosova-Albania border in the Battle of Koshare.
The US flag accompanied by an official certificate were delivered to Ramadani’s nephew, Muhamet Ajrullahu, who graciously accepted them on behalf of the family of Agim Ramadani in Gjilan on July 4, 2021.
While Belgrade and its allies continue their propaganda across the world and especially in the United States to erroneously portray Kosova’s freedom fighters—the KLA—as a “criminal organization,” the Albanian American Civic League is proud to honor an exemplary KLA solider such as Agim Ramadani and to educate Members of the US Congress about the truth of the Kosova war.
All the best,
Joe DioGuardi – Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi
President – Balkan Affairs Adviser
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Executive Director
Albanian-American Association
of Intellectuals Businessmen and Activists
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