Athina - Greqi

Autori: Gjergj Araniti
Email: [email protected]


Qeveria dhe Policia Shqiptare me “urdher” e ultimatum te Greqise, ka arrestuar ne menyre flagrante e brutale 45 Shqiptare paqesore qe do te merrnin pjese ne manisfestimin e madh te protestes, para Konsullates Mafioze “Greke” ne Gjirokaster qe sherben edhe si zyre e pa-shpallur e Asfalise ne Shqiperi dhe si qender e koordinimit te luftes psikologjike kunder shtetit dhe publikut Shqiptar ne Shqiperi me fokus Jugun e vendit.

Po ashtu jane ngritur si ne kohe lufte e shterrethim mbi 20 postblloqe ne shume qytete ne Shqiperi nga Policia Shqiptare dhe forcat e saj speciale, per te penguar pjesmarresit paqesore per tju bashkuar manifestimit te protestes, para Konsullates Mafioze “Greke” ne Gjirokaster.

Nga nje llogaritje paraprake jane ndaluar me postblloqe, dhe nepermjet presioneve, friksimeve e makinacioneve te ndryshme te Policise Shqiptare mbi rreth 250 mije Shqiptare nga tere qarqet e vendit, qe desheronin te merrnin pjese me manifestimin paqesor te protestes para Konsullates Mafioze “Greke” ne Gjirokaster.

Te nxirret para gjyqit dhe te merret ne padi penale tere zinxhiri komandues i Policise fashiste te qeverise se Rames (si dhe zyra e Asfalise ne Konsullaten Greke ne Gjirokaster), e cila me urdher dhe ultimatum te Greqise, vuri ne dispozicion tere mjetet e saj te dhunes per te sabotuar kete manifestim madheshtor proteste ne mbrojtje te interesave te sigurise kombetare te Shqiperise.

Ti paguhet me ligj nje demshperblim deri 500 milione dollare nga qeveria dhe Policia Shqiptare (si dhe nga zyra e Asfalise ne Konsullaten Greke ne Gjirokaster), shoqates intelektuale-atdhetare “Djemte e Laberise” – per keqtrajtimin dhe dhunen brutale te perdorur dhe arrestimeve pa ligj ndaj perfaqesuesve te kesaj shoqate dhe per dhunen brutale te perdorur ndaj protestuesve paqesore nga i gjithe vendi, nga kjo Polici e qeveri e nxitur dhe nene urdherat e ultimatumin e Asfalise dhe qeverise Greke.

Greece” will be soon excluded any participation and denied any and all voting rights in the European Union to any matters related to Albania.

This because “Greece” has a flagrant, open and grave conflict of interest as a European Union member related to all matters concerning Albania in the European Union – starting with the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, which is in effect in the present (i.e. Greece, currently, is in a state of war with Albania), and many other matters that constitute blatant conflict of interest of “Greece” in the European Union concerning Albania.

Greece also has not yet paid the reparations of about 600 billion dollars to Albania – regarding the occupation through the Greek territory of Albania by Germany in 1943, and regarding the ethnocide and holocaust of Greece against Albanians in Albania (Chams and Albanians in southern Albania), and against its own citizens of Albanian descent (numbering over 9 million today in Greece).

The vote of “Greece” in the European Union is the only thing left for this “Greece” to bully Albania related to all matters in the relations between this “Greece” and Albania. Albanian government should quickly set up a team of qualified attorneys to file a lawsuit with the European Commission to exclude Greece from any decision making in the European Commission regarding Albania.

On the other hand, Albanian government should act as an equal and reciprocate – by immediately putting on the table its counter requirements that the European Union and European Commission must fulfill to open the road for the Albania joining the European Union in equal footing and as an equal partner and in parity.

One of those non-negotiable requirements should be that “Greece” be excluded immediately from any decision making and vote regarding Albania and Albanian related matters in the European Union and European Commission. European Union and European Commission are not mafia type organizations, ”that will blindly do whatever a member of the mob organization would demand”.

This “Greece” is acting like a member of the Camorra and/or a typical “Greek” mob underworld that can force its will on other mobsters by asking for other mob members total submission and obedience to its demands.

Greece should also be expelled from the European Union and NATO – as a country that does not fulfill any and all criteria/requirements to be in the European Union and NATO, and because Greece is a dictatorship in the middle of Europe that does not recognize any rights at all for over 9 million Albanians/Arvanites and Chams in Greece.

The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country – made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today – a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arvanites).

Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.

The first session of the first newly elected Parliament in 1832, of this so-called nowadays “Greece”, held its full Parliament proceedings in the Albanian language (“Greek/Koine” language did not exist back then in the region/area called “Greece” today).

What is appalling to the international community of scientists and historians, is that “Greek” government today has put a total ban on the access, research and publication of the archival documentations (classified as “top secret”) of the first Parliamentary session of 1832 in “Greece” – and this is a clear evidence that today, “Greek” government is trying by all and any means in its disposal to hide the historical truth about how this “Greece” of today it came about to be.

Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).

Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as “Greek” by con and “planted” historians.

The Trojan War – was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians – both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.

Homer’s “Iliad and Odyssey” epic poems are Pelasgian era poems – falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.

The Thermopylae Battle – was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta – a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as “Greek” battle against Persians by con and planted “historians”.

The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times – same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.

There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church of that time (1832).

This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.

The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).

This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is – a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow.

And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 – through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.

Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).

Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.

Sons of Laberia, Gjirokastra Boys, and Brotherhood of Albanians/Arvanites and Chams of Kryekuq, Varibobi, Malakasa, Lopesi, Ekali, Lluca, Bojati, Mani, Livadhja, Teba – Athina, June 2020, Lower Albania