Bashkëpunëtorët grekë… – libër në anglisht nga Arben P. Llalla


Arben P. Llalla

The Greek collaborationists, designers and leaders of the genocide in Chameria (1944-1945)

(The truth on the collaboration of Cham Albanians with the Italian and German Armies)

Translated from Albanian to English: Gjeraqina LEKA

This book is dedicated to the martyrs of “ÇAMËRIA” Battalion that fought side by side with the Greek communist partisans of EAM-ELAS against the Italian and German invaders.


I began writing this book in the period of 2008-2016, collecting the materials little by little. It has been quite difficult to find original photographs and a few newspapers in the Greek language of the period that this book focuses on. The Greek state with its governmental structures has for about 70 years fed the internal and external audience with false books and articles about what has actually happened in the years 1936-1945 in regard to the Albanian minority in Chameria – Southern Epirus.

There are many photographs that have been intentionally misinterpreted by Greek historians and publicists regarding the unfounded accusation about the collaboration of the Chams with the Germans. After many years of hard work, I succeeded in finding the truth about those photographs that the Greeks claim to be the collaboration of Chams with the German Army.

I believe that my several years‟ work to publish this book would be rightly appreciated by the readers and critics. There has never been a collective cooperation of the Cham population with the Italian and German invader. The aim of the Greek genocide has been the purging of the Muslim Albanians from Chameria – Southern Epirus, the looting of their property and the placement of the orthodox refugees who have migrated over time from Asia Minor.

During the displacement operation of the Ioannina Jews to the concentration camps and their extirpation, the Germans in cooperation with the Greek constabulary displaced tens of antifascist Chams. This shows clearly that the Albanians of Chameria were on the side of the Greek partisans.

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